This was my attempt to paint Francesc Masriera's 1888 art nouveau painting of Salome.
Salome (Judith, or Herodias) was a Jewish princess waiting for the head of John the Baptist. Other interpretations include Judith and Holofernes by Titian.
Irrespective of the history or mythology I really enjoy trying to interpret real 2D artworks in 3D. Obviously mine is a lot more saturated. Because Masriera was very loose as the focal area moves away I have tried to keep that looseness in the dress and jewels.
I like the 3D sculpts Kuton is doing. I would love if they did more classical art interpretations.
  • Jakob V

    Really beautiful piece!
  • Steph.DPLUS

    Gold ;)
  • eric wolfsPLUS

    I painted it at the beginning of this year. I like your version. Vote Gold