This is a bust that I got at Erik Swinson’s Cast Shadows class. I wasn’t able to get the cast shadows to a place I was happy with, hence the title. Nevertheless, I had a lot of fun painting him, and consider this piece the best thing I’ve done so far. The work flow was about 50/50 brush and airbrush, going back and forth.
Marc Revés
Many thanks!Kurt Trapp
Ich finde ihn sehr gelungenterrible_work_
Thank you Kurt!Steph.DPLUS
Vote Or pour toi :)terrible_work_
Thank you Steph :)Fabrizio SchiragaPLUS
Un Grande lavoro bellissimo incarnato molto notevole oroterrible_work_
Thank you Fabrizio!George "Eraserhead" BetsosPLUS
Nevermind the cast shadows, this helmet is something else. Kudos.terrible_work_
Appreciate it George!ColinBarnes
Great NMM, and the texture on those callouses is second to none. Gold.