this is the alternative boxart painted by me for this awesome bust inspired by a Paul Bonner artwork, you can buy the model at Karol Rudik store.
I really enjoyed to paint it, you will see it at Verko's Vault Museum.
I hope you like it, comments are always welcome! CIAO...
Max RichieroPLUS
Wonderful!Gianluca "Branzu" Buttigliero
I Think that is one of the most awesome paint job I have seen, jaw-dropping. Just amazing. So much to look at. Thank you.David Powell
Fantastic piece!Frédéric BISSEUX (MINOS)
J'adore ! Ce sera ma référence quand je peindrai cette pièce !!!Fabrizio SchiragaPLUS
Un altro capolavoro di pittura il metallo mi fa impazzire oroMagnus FagerbergPLUS
So awesome!