"Wood Dwarf Druid"
Work: basing, painting
Scale: 28mm
Spira Mirabilis
Sometimes we forget how tiny some miniatures truely are, like this Wood Dwarf Druid by @spiramirabilis_miniatures that I enjoyed basing and painting lately. Attached you can see photos on grey background, plus one in my cabinet and one with my hand for size comparision. A full guide for the base build and insights into the paintjob is available via my Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/fin-wood-dwarf-117415296
Keep on happy painting!
Marius "Der Stone "Stein
Really lovley base and Miniature. I Like how Mario is looking at him at the cabinet view!!Frank BehrensPLUS
Love it and pure Joy to watch. One of my favorite Miniatures i've seen so far.Frédéric BISSEUX (MINOS)
C'est minuscule !!! Bravo pour le contraste et la lisibilité à cette échelle !!!Roman LappatPLUS
Many thanks, gentlemen :)Declan_Chodak
Beautiful, those greens are stunning. One of my favorite pieces I’ve seen!Kyle Maitland
Actual footage of Roman spotted in the wildColinBarnes
Brilliant atmosphere. This little guy really jumps off the screen.