"Wood Dwarf Druid"
Work: basing, painting
Scale: 28mm
Spira Mirabilis

Sometimes we forget how tiny some miniatures truely are, like this Wood Dwarf Druid by @spiramirabilis_miniatures that I enjoyed basing and painting lately. Attached you can see photos on grey background, plus one in my cabinet and one with my hand for size comparision. A full guide for the base build and insights into the paintjob is available via my Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/fin-wood-dwarf-117415296

Keep on happy painting!

  • Marius "Der Stone "Stein

    Really lovley base and Miniature. I Like how Mario is looking at him at the cabinet view!!
  • Frank BehrensPLUS

    Love it and pure Joy to watch. One of my favorite Miniatures i've seen so far.
  • Frédéric BISSEUX (MINOS)

    C'est minuscule !!! Bravo pour le contraste et la lisibilité à cette échelle !!!
  • Roman LappatPLUS

    Many thanks, gentlemen :)
  • Declan_Chodak

    Beautiful, those greens are stunning. One of my favorite pieces I’ve seen!
  • Kyle Maitland

    Actual footage of Roman spotted in the wild
  • ColinBarnes

    Brilliant atmosphere. This little guy really jumps off the screen.