• PierreYves"LordB"Geneste

    This is true madness!!!!!

  • PaoloF-3evan

    Awesome Madness!!!

  • Roman LappatPLUS

    It’s a great piece indeed. Great base, great painting at the monster. I really enjoy the grade of detail to the monster’s head but miss the same detail on the rest of the body. I do understand that this makes the monsters head focus and stand out but somehow it looks that body/head are from a different model. Well, overall, a great piece no doubt!

  • Juan M. Tena (jmtt)

    espectacular…...very nice job

  • BerenMiniatura

    great great great!!!  Gold!!

  • Joan Carles Ros "RosmaN"

    Simply awesome!!! You are the master of the monsters!!!

  • Andy Gillaspy

    So utterly disgusting that it is transcendently beautiful! Absolutely stunning piece of work there.