In the dark lands of the Chauchi Tribe,
deep in the winter forest of Germanica,
a hero of Rome was born as he returned
one of the lost eagle home to mother Rome.
Great model by Nuts Planet. A lot of fun for me as I am still reading tons of Ancient Roman novels.
I decided to give this bust a go to let out some of the impressions I gained from reading all of these books.<br />
Sometimes this has to be done. Thank you, Nuts Planet and Benny :)
Last photo shows the bust in my cabinet.
Strange light there as the yellow lamp from above makes it all a bit weird.
The project was sold to a private collector.
Thank you for your support in my craft, work, art and passion!
Hope you like him!
Keep on happy painting!
Peter Rauchbach
Brilliant Face.Roman LappatPLUS
Thanks, Peter! In fact the sculpt helped me to paint that face the way I did.Sergey PopovichenkoPLUS
Great Roman from a great Roman :) Very lively !!! I have the same and I will do it too :)Roman LappatPLUS
Romans everywhere!!!! Shieldwaaallllll nauw!Jason Zhou
Very impressive painting. The overall atmosphere presented in the cold color scheme you choose fits the setting quite well! Do you have any plan to write a detailed SBS article and publish it on the MV site, which will certainly benefit a lot of us again?Roman LappatPLUS
Thanks, Jason. Indeed I have the plan to bring a detailed step by step up to Massive Voodoo in the future, yes :)John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS
Wow jar one of your best for me and my favorite so far!Roman LappatPLUS
Thank you!Nicolas "Gros Peintre" Réant
Wow !Roman LappatPLUS
Happy that it made the impact I tried to catch here!Ben Snyder (Demihuman)
Gorgeous! Love the intensity of his eyes.Roman LappatPLUS
In my eyes, the eyes on a bust tell the story ... thank you, Ben!Oliver Posvek (Colouristo)
You can see his leading thoughts in his eyes! Great!Roman LappatPLUS
I tried to tell a story behind his eyes, happy that I managed to do so, thank you, Oliver :)Martin "BangDoll" Grandbarbe
Impressive !! Really nice paintjob, he looks like real.Roman LappatPLUS
Thank you, Martin ... Well, he ain't real ... I try to avoid bringing the resin bust close to my cats as they would bite and chew on it until there is nothing left. He would not scream, even he might look real!Siggi Hauke
Love it! One of your best Roman!Roman LappatPLUS
Thanks, Siggi!Gautier "Graphigaut" Giroud
Usually, I'm not a fan of historical piece, by the way, I love each one you make, you really have an unique style....masterpiece!Roman LappatPLUS
Thank you ... I do like the historical journey once in a while but I can not change that I usually paint more fantasy than historical pieces. It can be seen in the colours sometimes.Alex ✍
Great atmosphere!Roman LappatPLUS
Thanks!Alfonso Giraldes_BansheePLUS
in terms of pure painting. is one of your best jobs.. natural, and believable.. and very characterful. congrats romanRoman LappatPLUS
Well, what can I say, eh? Thank you for your kind words, Alfonso!David Powell
Wonderful job on a very neat bust. Even if you ignore the little bits of snow on him (which are beautifully done), the colors alone do a fantastic job of conveying that cold winter feel to the figure.Roman LappatPLUS
Tried to catch the right amount of snow indeed as this quickly can turn into a mess :D ... I always listen to piano music when applying snow, it helps to keep down with it. Thank you, David!Uli Wilke
Those textures are brilliant, the face is beyond believe... I don't like the snow, but that is just my taste. I truly think this is your best piece so far.Roman LappatPLUS
Thank you, Uli :)Margot Crombeecke
Great atmosphere, the face really livesRoman LappatPLUS
Thank you, Margot ... happy that you like him :)Matthieu Roueche - "Blabla"
The face is it!Roman LappatPLUS
Matthieu, I bow my head ... thank you for your kind words! Happy that you like this one :)Milosh Meehan
That face is fantastic, the whole paintjob is brilliant.Roman LappatPLUS
Thanks, Milosh ... I know several mistakes in the paintjob still ;)Diego Esteban "dieguetestudio"
I love the nature of the character. Ambien+character, I love It.Roman LappatPLUS
Diego, thank you!bendy spoon
Stunning finish, love your cold interpretation of this great bust.Roman LappatPLUS
I tried to bring in some blue cold tones in every colour I used here ... thanks for letting me know that it worked, Alex :)Ian Paul Siongco AKA kuneho
This is so BRILLIANT!!! Hail to the King...Roman LappatPLUS
Thank you, Ian!Alexander Akers
Hands down one of your best pieces yet Roman.The snow adds great depth to the bust and the overall life of the piece is astounding.Roman LappatPLUS
Thanks, Alexander. Really happy that you like it!Matteo D'Eugenio aka Painkiller
Complimenti Roman ...un ottimo lavoroRoman LappatPLUS
Gracie!Radovan DarkTower Rybovic
One of your best busts, Roman! Love the face and metallics. Thanx for sharing and keep on happy painting :)Roman LappatPLUS
Keep on happy painting too!Dobrovolskiy Andriy
Incredibly fine!Roman LappatPLUS
Thank you!fonsy
great atmosphere!Roman LappatPLUS
Thank you!Jay Martin (Redrum)
Stunning Roman Roman ;) one of my fave pieces of yours!Roman LappatPLUS
Thank you! Too many Romans :DAndreas NegerPLUS
This is so awesome. Especially those eyes. Roman strikes again! ;)Roman LappatPLUS
Thanks my friend!PierreYves"LordB"Geneste
You know all the good I feel with this mini; To me, this is your chef d'oeuvre, every emotion is feelable and your paint is so smooth!!!! Perfect!!!! English is a brake, here, to say what I feel with this paintjob!!!!!Roman LappatPLUS
Thank you for your many and kind words, Pierre.Fulvio"jumanji"Pagliettini
Great job,I like itRoman LappatPLUS
Thx!Peter "Baphomet" TothPLUS
I really love the paintjob :) great piece!Roman LappatPLUS
Thank you, Peter!BerenMiniatura
uf!!! one of your best bust!Roman LappatPLUS
Thanks a lot!JENNY GREENTEETH Studios
Great work indeed, just brilliant. I also dig the last picture. You have a very beautiful collection.Roman LappatPLUS
Thank you, Oliver. Well my collection never lasts long as I am working freelance with miniature painting. So I got to sell most of my pieces to pay rent and bread. Let me think, from this photo I only own Mephisto. The rest is already sold and gone, but found great new homes!John 'Painterman' van Pelt
Fantastic! This will be my upcoming project in 2015. I hope it will turn out half as good.Roman LappatPLUS
Thank you!! Well, make it your way with your passion and it will turn out great!Tommi Worton
Pretty outstanding in every way. The face is fantastic !Roman LappatPLUS
Thanks, Tommi!Mark "Liffy44" Lifton
Fantastic art! He looks soo cold. StunningRoman LappatPLUS
Thank you, Mark!Anthony Wang
Wow...the whole piece is so intense despite the desaturated palette. Your cold themed work are all stunningRoman LappatPLUS
Thanks, Anthony!Simon Rozek
Perfect job !joseluiscabrera