“Veni, vidi, vici”
Regalo de la marca Nuts Planet.
Representa un soldado romano de la Legion Aquila en el duro invierno
anterior a la desaparicion de la legion en britania.
Fue todo un placer pintar esta miniatura..
Oro en Monte San Savino 2014. Master historico

Miniature gift of Nuts planet. :D
Represents a Roman soldier aquila legion in the winter
before the disappearance of the legion in britania
It was a pleasure to paint it..
Gold in Monte San Savino Show 2014. Historical master
  • Winterland

    Impresionante, dominas el color de manera magistral

  • Antonio Rodriguez

    De lo que mas me gustó en Mss de su categoria….

  • AdrianSanchez

    Muchas gracias chicos! :D

  • PierreYves"LordB"Geneste

    Skin tones and all the rest are majestuous!!!!

  • Alex ✍

    I think you are soo good as I told you in Monte! This is by far the best version of this bust!

  • Matthieu Roueche - "Blabla"PLUS

    wow…perfect painting on this nice buste! Love it!

  • AdrianSanchez

    Thanks you very much! :D

  • John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"

    The whole environment you achieved here is amazing.what youve done is set a mood and environment with nothing to work with except this bust..I can feel the cold biting his face…truly awesome painting.

  • Jason Zhou


  • Jeff Burns "Tinman"


  • Luca Riva

    The most interesting and expressive version I saw of this bust.
    Love the skin and atmosphere. Also the metallics are really good.