Hi guys!!!....this is the first of some miniatures I didn´t show in society...I present Mary Bones, an amaing piece of the John Blanche´s brain, She comes from the Femme Militant miniatures, I painted two years ago, I expect you like!!!...best wishes
Big bad mama ! Nice!Sławomir Borysowski - "Sławol"
Love it! Best regards:) SławolLuc "Thantor" Pinganaud
I love her so much! Just want to marry her!!! :D Terrific paintjob!Jonathan Hart
I love it that she has her foot on the cooker. Genius!luisgomezpradal
ajajjaja...Thanks a lot....The concept and the mini are so personals....I love it too...thanks friends!!Roman LappatPLUS
A true classic of yours! Love her!John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS
Gold gold gold