Soum, Nocturna models, 75 mm. The painting on the wall is made in oils and based on Luis Royo work (as well as the model itself). Hope you like it!

  • Enrico Collenzini

    Great work. Gold!

  • Jason Zhou

    Wow, this is amazing! What a beautiful vignette!

  • Jeff Burns "Tinman"

    This is just incredible!

  • Francesco "Franciuus" FarabiPLUS

    You are the best “next generation” painter… impressive!

  • Dirk R.

    Great paintjob !

    I like the tattoos. They looks very realistic.

  • Jorge "Ayora" Castellano


  • Jonathan Hart

    Wow! The tattoos beneath the stocking are insane and I love the relection line on the hair, always learning from great works such as this. Inspiring! Gold.

  • Herman aka Glitterwolf
