Cute little bust of an Eskimo girl with her husky puppet, sculped by Roman van den Bogaert based on a period photograph, produced by Galahad Miniatures. Painted in acrylics
  • Erich_Strasser

    Great skintone, very lifelike

  • Winterland


  • Doc_M

    Thanks a lot Ericht and Winterland, I am happy you like it, struggled a lot with the skintone.

  • Roman "Light_one" Gruba

    Great skintones here, darck colors on the face make it looks older , but otherwise project done very nicely.
    Dog looks damn cool! Gold!

  • John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS

    This is fantastic and such a lifelike likeness!!!

  • John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS

    Btw gold medal I award the.

  • Doc_M

    Thank you Roman and John! I tried to get a different look from the boxart

  • Robert_Laclavik

    I like your flesh tones very much, all bust is looking very lifelike

    nothing but gold !