75mm miniature from Ares Mythologic/Draconia

Box art painted with acrylic

Hope you like it!
  • Jero Miniatures

    Miro i remiro el reflex sota la barbeta! Uffff
    That cheekbone reflex! Mygood…

  • Ken "Macca Chung" Lim

    That is incredible NMM work!

  • Jonatan Gil - ElinhirPLUS

    Impresionante. Habra que hacerse con esa figura !! Muy buen trabajo Marc.

  • Roman LappatPLUS

    So so good! Thank you Marc for teaching and inspiring!

  • Al 'Elektroschnitzel' Smith

    Really awesome NMM and the face and the sword are awesome!

  • A.Demidov


  • TimPLUS

    Amazing. Fantastic NNM and I love the reflected light on the chin