Maybe some of you know the Artwork this is based on. I wanted to do a relatively simple bust that provides space for creative freedom when painting it. Personally I have a sharp Idea about how I would paint it and all these factors lead to this manifestation. I also tried to take a pretty goofy approach, yet also menacing and brooding - I think the sculpt allows for both and I am curious what people can come up with when painting it. The bust will be released in the near future, yet I don't have a roadmap yet and therefore no release date. It will probably be limited to 50 pieces as well. Announcements on production dates can be found on my facebook page.
  • Jorge "Ayora" Castellano

    Beautiful zombie knight.
    I have in my mind the color scheme ^^

  • Josua LaiPLUS

    I love your work! Really like the chainmail under the helmet looks like a ton of fun to paint.. really looking forward to meet you in person and see you working ;-)

    • Christoph "Trovarion" Eichhorn

      I thought the same - while innitially I wanted to go fully sculpted chainmail for display of skill and what can be done I thought whether or not I would want to paint that and went with plates instead =) looking forward to the Weekend in Blumberg as well ^_^

  • Oleksandr Bilibov

    Really nice Bust, the face reminds me good old horror posters. Gold :)