Sowar Guides Cavalry Afghanistan 1897 (Stormtrooper Miniatures)
Sowar Guides Cavalry Afghanistan 1897 (Stormtrooper Miniatures)
Sowar Guides Cavalry Afghanistan 1897 (Stormtrooper Miniatures)
Sowar Guides Cavalry Afghanistan 1897 (Stormtrooper Miniatures)
Another historical bust from Stormtroopers series, called V12 (means 1/12 scale). Was real fun to paint it even if it took some time (started in March 2015, then left for more than year and then finished in one week).

WIP links:

And as always - any comments, ideas or critics are welcome...
  • Roman LappatPLUS

    A really well balanced paintjob. Good to see you painting, Sir.

    • Radovan DarkTower Rybovic

      Thank you, my friend :) You are one of thereasons I’m still painting, as you always have been great inspiration. I hope to see you and your works in real life again.

  • John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS

    This is fantastic. Gold

    • Radovan DarkTower Rybovic

      Thank you. I’m still learning how to paint historic busts (even if there still wil be something from my cartoony style).

  • Sebastian "Simon Moon" Reschke

    very cool work! i like the colors you choose here

    • Radovan DarkTower Rybovic

      Thank you. I was studying original boxart from Iguazzu and also do some reserach by myself.

  • Francesco ThauPLUS

    Stunning painting! Gold!

    • Radovan DarkTower Rybovic

      Thank you. I am happy that you like it, because your historic regiments are simply amazing.