A quick (for me) piece done for fun. She's been in my grey pile for a while and i fancied something smaller scale with the opportunity to try darker skin.

The base was thrown together in a hurry.

Bronze given for her at Euromilitiare 2016.
  • Luc "Thantor" Pinganaud

    Very nice paintjob, and great atmosphere! Gold! :-)
  • Marko Miladinović

    Wonderful work Ben, very nice scene and colors. :)
  • Roman LappatPLUS

    This is supernice, Mr. Curry!
    • Ben (EclypseDesigns) Curry

      Wow, thanks Roman! hope to bring her to Duke next year and sink a few beers with friends again :D
  • Winterland

    Fantastic work
  • Jakob V

    That base does not look like it was throne together in a hurry! Love these small projects of yours