It is just like that.
Good Memories to my class trip to Arvika, Sweden this summer.
This is a gift to Markus, the friend who made it all happen and even took us to a cargraveyard in the forest, that blew my mind.
The car is a 1:43 Model car, wrecked up and included in a small cigar box. The rest was painting and some foliage.
I really enjoyed this. Make sure to know, that MV will see a step by step on this in the future.
Hope you like it.
Keep on happy painting!
Best Wishes
So so goodRoman LappatPLUS
Thx, Tim!Jay Martin (Redrum)
Love this! Wow!Roman LappatPLUS
Thanks a bunch, Jason. Happy that you like it!Ben (EclypseDesigns) Curry
Loving this. The sheer variety of greens and yellows is staggering. I'd love to attempt something similar using blues/greens and oranges for an underwater reef scene!Roman LappatPLUS
This sounds lovely. I can already imagine it. Looking forward to, Ben.Ricardo Pisa
Love it!Roman LappatPLUS
Thank you, Ricardo!Alexander "Invisus" Korotaev
Excellent selection of green shades! Where do You get these clumps of grass? I'd like to repeat something in this style)Roman LappatPLUS
The clumps of grass are by Polak. Great basing material.David Powell
Inspiring work! I'm green with envy over this oneRoman LappatPLUS
:D ...Sergio Torregimeno
really nice! :)Roman LappatPLUS
Thank you, Sergio!Daniel
It is so fascinating to see your progress from getting inspiration and immediately turning that inspiration into a project. :)Roman LappatPLUS
This is dangerous sometimes too :DAlbert Moreto Font
Absolutely fantastic. A solid gold from me!Roman LappatPLUS
Thank you very much, Albert.Andy Gillaspy
very cool idea and executionRoman LappatPLUS
Thanks, Andy!JensRosenbaum "Didgman"
You made it much to easy to find the Penis ;-)Roman LappatPLUS
... and you only found one ;)Aleksandra Cvetanovski
I love this work :DRoman LappatPLUS
Thank you, Aleksandra.Kristian Simonsen
Such a nice atmosphere in this one and it looks so close to your reference photos on the MV blog. It was a pleasure to see it at SMC.Roman LappatPLUS
Indeed, also a pleasure for me at the SMC. Thanks. My visualisation and turning it into a project skills increased pretty much with this one. Both, the real thing and this was a wonderful experience.Martin Vermeulen (Nighthawk)
I love how you create atmosphere out of everything :)Anton Lunev
Amazing! The mood and the atmosphere of the piece are particularly intriguing.Simon Rozek
Stunning job.Herman aka Glitterwolf
Beautiful piece!