A recent victim of Dracula, Lucy rises from the dead before Van Helsing and company arrive to end her unholy awakening.

My first entry into the world of puttyandpaint.
After a mind numbing commission I felt like my skills were going in the wrong direction. I painted this figure up over the weekend and then realized she deserved a small scenic base to finish her off.
Enjoy, I did.
  • Jay Martin (Redrum)

    Great start to your account John!

    • John MeeksPLUS

      Thank you, looking forward to adding more.

  • John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS

    I vote gold johnny boy…glad to see you on putty and paint and hope to see you at CB and MFCA. ;)

    • John MeeksPLUS

      Thank you John, although I know I have some ways to go in order to reach gold on this site.
      I hope to make an appearance at CB this year but dont forget we have world expo too.