Duke of Bourbon, late XIV century
Duke of Bourbon, late XIV century
I tried to improve my NMM technic, inspired by Ben Komet's work.
Hope you like this one.
  • Trent "BigDeno" Denison

    I couldn’t tell that was NMM. Fantastic work.

  • Neil Szabo AKA "Zab"

    Success! Thought it was TMM o_O

  • John MeeksPLUS

    fooled me too i thought it was TMM

  • Sergey Savenkov


  • PierreYves"LordB"Geneste

    Thanks to all of you! It’s nice to see that I have got my goal !

  • Matt DiPietro

    Hi, overall it is a very nice piece, but I’d like to offer some critique to help you and the community grow and learn. hopefully this is not too unwelcome, if so I apologize. The NMM in my opinion is quite flawed on this model when you take his environment into account. He is in a winter environment with a light snowy ground. In this situation you should see reflections of the snow nested into the shadows you currently have painted. These reflections increase in intensity the closer to the ground you get. so pay close attendtion to objects that are very close to the snow like the sword. Also a reflection on the underside of the forearm armor would be appropriate but less stroing than those closer to the ground. The NMM you’ve painted would be more appropriate in an urban scene where the ground is dark and there is less sources for reflection so a change of scenery would solve your problems too. I hope you feel I was clear and fair :) Cheers!