Hi all,

I started during the SCM 2016 a very cool miniature, Solomon Kane from FeR miniature. IT was much more complex than I thought.. Indeed challenging mini but really cool !

I clearly experiment doing leather here.. a lot !! and I hope you will appreciate.
Many thanks
  • John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS

    Clearly that leather you experimented on here clearly turned out absolutely realistic.iow a success…gold vote mate .i got yo back…:)

    • François Lozach

      Thanks John… don’t want to do leather anymore for a while now ;)

  • John MeeksPLUS

    Painting A+, but what really caught my eye was the balance and flow that you achieved with the ground work to tree to figure

    • François Lozach

      thanks. Was also because the base basis provided by FeR was really well thought ;)

  • Aleksandra Cvetanovski

    I really like the different way you were thinking on this one. I think it is good that you have experimented with leather and diffrences. I think you could do more work on staff it somehow stands out, and in my opinion you coud define atmosphere a little bit more. Still, I know and I can notice a lot of work on this project, so you have gold from me. :)

    • François Lozach

      thanks Aleksandra. yeah staff looks the central piece of this mini. I was a bit sad the face is not so visible, that could have been the central point otherwise ;)

  • pit rehmke

    Interesting scene, very good work I like!

  • Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"
