This was part of the No Quarter challenge by Privateer Press. The challenge was Warriors from beyond the Grave. I took the Menoth Harbinger model added wings plus some smaller conversions.

I wanted it to resemble some of the old religious paintings with a radiant central figure surrounded by soft warm tones. I had 3 days to complete the project before the deadline and for the first two my wife kept coming in the room saying she hated it. (normally she is positive and a big help with colors). I told her to be patient and in the end she saw the light and loved it. Now she wont let me sell it.

It received Silver in the magazine challenge. I used different photos.
Awarded Silver at MFCA 2016 Fantasy open. I was very pleased specially since it was right next to
Michael Kontraros 'Freak Show' piece.
Awarded Gold and Best in show SciFi/Fantasy at Long Island miniature show 2016

I didn't see those couple of spider threads until after i loaded the photos up to the page.
  • John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS

    I was hoping to see this again just like the Capricorn and the rest of the lovely and impressive display you were exhibiting at MFCA the great thing is now I get to view them as much as I want without being a miniature creep lurking around your display….yaaya

    • John MeeksPLUS

      LoL Thank you. I expected to see you at the Long Island show. I will be getting some of the other pieces up slowly, I didn’t want all of my stuff clogging up the new projects page. Time to start next years display.

  • Chris "D.Vader" SuhrePLUS

    Really like this version of Harbinger

    • John MeeksPLUS

      Thank you Chris, I am a big fan of your work and display style. Especially when it comes to Trolls.