Conversion of a bust from YS Masterpieces, inspired by Asian tales of fox spirits in human guise.

This model was awarded a gold medal at the 2016 Monte San Savino show.
  • John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS

    I award thee gold.welcome to Putty and Paint. The best figure painters and scale modellers and I mean these guys and gals are the “best” !!! Don’t know what I’m doing on here but you ....well you’ll fit right in glad to see you on here mrs haley.beautiful work and congrats on monte savino.

  • David Diamondstone

    Ooh very nice! I always love your color choices, and this one has very nice conversion work too. Is that a paper doily in back that’s covered in crackle paint?

  • John MeeksPLUS

    This is when we need platinum medals for scoring. Easily my favorite.

  • Anthony "Pirate Monkey" Rodriguez

    Felt lucky to see this in person at Monte. Beautiful piece Jen well deserved gold at MSS and the same goes here! An inspiration as always.

  • Roman LappatPLUS

    Really beautiful. I was happy to see her in real at Monte. Really wonderful piece.

  • Patrick "The Small" Masson

    really love this piece Jen, congratulations
    Well deserved price at MSS

  • Sergio Torregimeno

    really nice. Gold :)

  • Dirk R.

    Fantastic light effects - GOLD !

  • Jessica Rich

    Absolutely stunning Jen. I’m so glad you finished this personal project - it’s inspiring on so many levels.

  • Neil Szabo AKA "Zab"

    Holy crap. So, you haven’t been idle then o_O WHY IS THERE NO PLATINUM BUTTON?!

  • Jason Zhou

    Really love this amazing artwork. Gold well deserved! Congrats!

  • Francesco "Franciuus" FarabiPLUS

    Jennifer maybe you don’t immagine that but for the painter of my generation you were like a goodness of painting: all of us wanted to paint like you…
    After 10 years you just demonstrate that we continue to want paint like you! This is a masterpiece by a true miniature artist.

    Great to meet you!

    p.s. obviously gold and editor’s choice for me

  • UFO70

    The eyes! Oo
    Fantastic work!

  • Kristian Simonsen

    Saw this at Monte, love the purple/yellow contrast and mood. Great work. :-)

  • TimPLUS

    She’s beautiful

  • François-Xavier "Fx" HUET

    Masterpiece !!
    Gold !


  • ClowndeCheshire

    Ambiance !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! superbe couleurs!