Burgundian halberdier
Burgundian halberdier
Burgundian halberdier
Burgundian halberdier
A really interesting sort of model that I randomly came across at Euro. The face gave me a few issues because the hood gets in the way, and it's difficult to make it look good; other than that, it's a fun piece to work on. Ducks and goose are from Industria Mechanika, aiming to evoke a sort of farm setting.
  • Ben (EclypseDesigns) Curry

    I really like this Fet. The ambience is spot on. You need more light in the photos though, they’re quite dark :)

  • Kyle "Mr Lee" Cruickshank

    Wow this is your work? Crazy mate. Great job here. Keep it up!

  • Jay Martin (Redrum)PLUS

    Wonderful, is this a conversion of a model from Tartar Miniatures!? I’ve just built one that’s very similar but static. GOLD!

  • Jose_A_Alfonso

    Stunning gold!

  • Steve "Babelfish" Riley

    Awesone work Fet. Top-notch painting and the ducks are a nice touch. Gold from me.