Wargames and wargames miniatures, painting and playing games with friends and forming a caring community is just about as far away from real war and terrorism as one can get. Never has any hobby given me so much peace and good friends and feelings. So I put my middle finger up to violence, racism and terror with these stray kids. I hope you like them. I gave them all away as gifts to strong and inspirational girls and women I have the luck to know.
Wargames and wargames miniatures, painting and playing games with friends and forming a caring community is just about as far away from real war and terrorism as one can get. Never has any hobby given me so much peace and good friends and feelings. So I put my middle finger up to violence, racism and terror with these stray kids. I hope you like them. I gave them all away as gifts to strong and inspirational girls and women I have the luck to know.
Oliver "HonourGuard" SpäthPLUS
Lovely paintings! And you found good words against the terror and war. I would like to see better and turned single pictures of the kids. But anyway great work! Best regards ;)Jonathan Hart
Many thanks for your words Oliver! Yes, the words and the painting, as always are from the heart! The photos aren't great as I no longer have access to a decent camera. I really don't know why they are turned on their side, on my computer they are upright then I upload them and they are turned...Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"
sweet! gold from me