The Butcher from the Giant Brom's artwork. Frist fan-art and first 75mm. Sculpted in 2017 with Fimo/Super sculpey firm,
Magic sculpt and green stuff. 75mm to the eyes, 7 parts. Probably my best sculpt so far.
  • Aleksandra Cvetanovski

    Very cool, great work. :D

    • Aleksandra Cvetanovski

      I would love to paint him one day, You have perfectly caught Brom’s concept from illustration, awesome character,

  • Martin Lavat

    Thank you very much, I would love to see him paint by you!

    • Aleksandra Cvetanovski

      Happy to hear that. Will he be in a production, or stays as a single (unique)? Or, some other option? :D

  • John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS

    Gold !hope your gonna cast this

  • Fausto "AbyssoulFP" Palumbo

    I love it!

  • Martin Lavat

    Thank you John! I hope too

  • Martin Lavat

    Thanks Fausto!

  • Martin Lavat

    I don’t know Aleksandra, I would love to cast it but I don’t have the copy right, so I should see with Brom or maybe Terrible kid stuff.

  • Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"

    wow. gold

    • Martin Lavat

      Nice to read that! !Thanks

  • Luc "Thantor" Pinganaud

    Malgré quelques petites erreurs anatomiques (en particulier sur le dos), la bête dégage un sacré charisme. Bravo!! Et hop, de l’or!!! :-)

    • Martin Lavat

      Bien content d’avoir ton retour sur cette pièce, premier commentaire d’un sculpteur.
      Je pense retravailler les bretelles qui ne sont pas bien clean, pour l’anat c’est trop tard :) Merci

  • Derek Clark (fluid_art)PLUS

    Gold, this is a fantastic sculpt.

  • Jorge "Ayora" Castellano

    Awesome ;)

  • David Cid "Parvilon"

    Great job!

  • Jens Riber Poulsen

    Really cool. You have him with paint on?

    • Martin Lavat

      Thank you Jens. No sorry, I have to cast it .

  • Jose_A_Alfonso

    Nice work!

  • pit rehmke

    Wonderfully modulated! Respect. I admire this work!

    • Martin Lavat

      Thanks a lot !  I love your dioramas!