So during my 3 years of sculpting, i was obsessed on making that sculpture and i did it. Adrian himself loved it hope you are doin the same thing!
Sculpted with Beesputty Summer Xtra Firm and scale size, 1/12 bust.
This will not be commercial kit but keep it for my collection.
Hope you like it, as much as i did.
Thanks for rate and watching
John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS
Unbelievable likeness!!!! Need I say perfect!!! LIKE REALLY PERFECT AS IN IT CANNOT BE IMPROVED UPON!!! GoldStavros Zouliatis
Thanks a lot John, always appreciate the kind words my friend!!!vonvinus
WowStavros Zouliatis
Thank you :)Derek Clark (fluid_art)PLUS
Excellent sculpt, lovely work. Gold!Stavros Zouliatis
Thanks a lot, so glad you like it !!!Archontis Kitsios
Excellent work, one of your best, if not your best, so far...Gold.Stavros Zouliatis
Thank you so much for voting and comment, i m so glad you like him, Archonti !!!Artem Romanov
Love it!Stavros Zouliatis
Thanks a lot Artem, glad you love it :)