freezing cold and full of beautiful melancholy."
<br />
Bust by Castle Miniatures, 1:10.
In private collection.
Check these links for more of my work:
Keep on happy painting!
Leonardo "LeoPelo" Archini
Really atmospherical!! Cold is perceiving... great work!Roman LappatPLUS
Thank you very much, Leonardo!Paolo-Di-Poce
could be used as a reference for painting skin on a face. Awesome.Roman LappatPLUS
Happy to inspire :)Sławomir Borysowski - "Sławol"
Very good face! Gold. Cheers! SławolRoman LappatPLUS
Many thanks!François Lozach
I know that what you achieved was not so easy;) in this bust.. never surrender ;) great job !!Roman LappatPLUS
:)Ken "Macca Chung" Lim
Incredible work. I need to study how you did this.Roman LappatPLUS
Thank you very much, Ken. Happy painting to you!Lucas Pina
buff..without wordsRoman LappatPLUS
Thank you, Lucas! Means a lot!Uli Wilke
That atmosphere... Those eyes.... Ich verbeuge mich in EhrfurchtRoman LappatPLUS
Danke, Uli. Nicht verbeugen, so ein Quatsch :DA.Demidov
Это - круто!)Roman LappatPLUS
?? :DJohn Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS
Holy Shioli that looks so real and lifelike...and the frosted effects are nothing less than are the "godfather" of miniature painting roman...Roman LappatPLUS
Many thanks for your kind comment, John.Francesco ThauPLUS
Gold!Roman LappatPLUS
Lots of thanks, Sir!Andreu "Morglum Minis"
impressive work, as usual!Roman LappatPLUS
Thank you, Andreu!DimitriSoultanias
Beautiful and nostalgic!Roman LappatPLUS
Thank u!pit rehmkePLUS
Hi Roman, Strong work. Fantastic this eye expression, the view goes into void and it is as if one recognizes the cold in it again. Respect! Gold!!