I've come back with another boxat for Black Sun miniatures, made it by Joaquin Palacios.As always I try to show my best level and I hope you like it and enjoyed :)
if you like it , you can buy a copy at : http://www.blacksunminiatures.co.uk/product/erynor-eternal-wings/
if you like know more about my proyects, you can follow me at :
Alejandro Prieto
Versátil, perfecto, imparable, el mejor.Curmudgeon
Naaahh!! esto no es real....;)Andreu "Morglum Minis"
Me encantan los colores, los reflejos, las texturas.. Plasmas tu estilo en cada miniatura. Gracias por tu inspiración Sergio! ;)DimitriSoultanias
Beautiful work!Jose_A_Alfonso