Resin bust sculpted by the talented Stefano Sartorello, a real pleasure to paint, expecially if you love horses, like me.
I saw this sculpture many years ago, when we organized the show "Au petit Soldat" in Bra, it was the subjet for the speed painting contest and we also had a wonderful demonstration on airbrush painting by master Julio Cabos.
  • Francesco ThauPLUS


    • CriCri

      Grazie! :)

  • John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS

    Excellent work mrs CRICRI!!!
    I award this equine a solid GOLD medal!!!

    • CriCri

      Thank you! :)

  • Max RichieroPLUS

    Molto bello! Brava!

    • CriCri

      Grazie caro :)

  • Sławomir Borysowski - "Sławol"

    Beautiful horse!


    • CriCri

      Thank you!

  • Paolo-Di-Poce

    molto bello

  • A.Demidov


    • CriCri

      Thank you! :)

  • Rob Norris

    Beautiful work and hope to see it in person this year at Monte.

    • CriCri

      Thank you! If I can make it to Monte I’ll surely bring it, maybe with a brother ;)

  • Luc "Windtalker" Vanpoucke

    That horse is alive ! Beautiful

    • CriCri

      Thank you, it was my intento to vive it a soul! :)

  • Jeff Burns "Tinman"

    Your best work! Beautifully done!

  • Jose_A_Alfonso

    Very well done, epic gold!

  • BillyB

    Really good work and finally something differenti
    Ma che ti scrivo in inglese poi… :-)

    • CriCri

      Ma parla come magni! :D
      Grazie cmq :*

  • Paolo-Di-Poce

    Oro,gran pezzo

    • CriCri

      Grazie mille, felice che ti sia piaciuto! :)

  • Gionata Santisi


    • CriCri

      Grazie Gionny! :)

  • Leonardo "LeoPelo" Archini

    Complimenti, notevolissimo!

    • CriCri

      Grazie caro :)

  • xeonfish

    Beautiful paint work.

    • CriCri

      Thank you :)

  • Davide "Snake" Decina

    A Great Painting on an Horse head, beautiful sculpted…Gold!

    • CriCri

      Thank you my friend! :*

  • Fabrizio SchiragaPLUS

    I miei più sinceri complimenti per il capolavoro.

  • Herman aka Glitterwolf


  • Bran

    Me piace molto dunque oro

  • Marius "Der Stone "Stein

    Really nice!