I finished my new project today . Take around 4 hours , again Kingdom death miniature are amazing to paint .
I was inspired by the art box but also by Roman lappat and how he create ambiance and the hot and cold color used by Pepaa Sevadra .
I put a white background picture maybe to have a better view of the OSL
Sławomir Borysowski - "Sławol"
Great mood:) Regards, SławolAndrew "Drew" Palies
Thx !Jonasz Łasut
Love the atmosphere!Andrew "Drew" Palies
Thx jonaszLucky-LBT
Really nice model, only thing i miss are some light reflections on her hairAndrew "Drew" Palies
Hello and thx you ! Well ad I say they was no reflection on the original artwork ;) So not on the miniature as well !John Delamere
Great work!