Exceptional piece! One of the most realistic I've ever seen. I just love leather clothes and old gold! And this face - great. Man, You did a great work here. She looks alive! Subtle lights, colour palette, everything is in harmony. Dark and grim. And I like additional background.
But one thing - a little more light on her hair and I can see some white (unpainted?) places there too:)
Gold anyway!
Sławomir Borysowski - "Sławol"
Exceptional piece! One of the most realistic I've ever seen. I just love leather clothes and old gold! And this face - great. Man, You did a great work here. She looks alive! Subtle lights, colour palette, everything is in harmony. Dark and grim. And I like additional background. But one thing - a little more light on her hair and I can see some white (unpainted?) places there too:) Gold anyway! Cheers, SławolAlejandro Arrabal
Thank you!! Following your advice I'm touching up the bust giving more light to the hair. Thank you very much!! ^^Mike Hoekstra
Wonderful setting and display. It really ties it all together.pit rehmkePLUS
Great! Gold!