Skarre: Queen of the Broken Coast
Skarre: Queen of the Broken Coast
Skarre: Queen of the Broken Coast
Skarre: Queen of the Broken Coast
This is my vision of the Bust released by Privateer Press as a limited figure representing one of their characters of the game Warmachine.

This is my very first project in P&P!!! :)
  • Erich_Strasser

    Great painting, gold

    • Alberto Lana

      Thanks Erich! This is my first project here, so I’m very happy.

  • John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS

    Well let me be the one to say crackin job. I award thee gold. Ill def keep an eye out for your other projects!!!

  • Jesús Gómez

    As mejorado muchísimo con respecto a otros trabajos que te he visto, mi enhorabuena tío.

    • Alberto Lana

      Gracias!!!!! de eso se trata, aunque pintes mierdos, que sean mejores que los anteriores!

      Mierdos con más qualité.