this is a tribute to the first robot seen in my child's life!
that's why I gave him the italian name; Goldrake

he has a beautiful style with this kit, it looks like a fashion model, taller and slim than the original version.

I worked with so mani colors to give him a film atmosphere.

i converted his arms, in the original version only one took the ALABARDA SPAZIALEEEEEEEEEE!

painting this figure makes me so geek, remembering my child life!!!!

more photos on my Facebook page:
RUSTO art and craft show

feel free to vote and comment, thanks! CIAO..
  • Jose_A_Alfonso

    Was a great paint!

  • Roberto Sirchia

    Alabarda spaziale! <3
    bellissimo, complimenti :D

  • John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS

    I too have had a walk down memory lane.. My first robot film as well was hooked ever since… Grandizer, robotek, project Ako mazzinger you name it i watched it. Very expert level work. This was amazing at the show.

  • Luca Riva

    Mi piace un sacco questo pezzo, gran gestione delle superfici e luci, fare un nmm bianco e nero la vedo come una delle cose più difficili.

    • RUSTO art and craft show Fabrizio Russo

      Grazie lucaaaa, gentilissimo! Si in effetti non è stato un lavoro semplice. Non sono un amante di questo genere di superfici, ma per Goldrake questo ed altro!
      Vota vota vota… ;)

  • Paolo-Di-Poce


  • Derek Clark (fluid_art)PLUS

    There was nothing better as a child than watching giant robots beat up monsters. This is excellent, I love how all the metals came out.

  • Francesco "Franciuus" FarabiPLUS


    gold, gold, gold, gold, gold…..

  • Albert Moreto FontPLUS

    The paintjob is lovely! Very good memories too! Hehehe. I think the conversion is a bit awkward though, in particular the top hand which from some angles totally looks like a left hand on a right arm, and the spear (space halberd!) which is all bumpy. A great model regardless! :)

    • RUSTO art and craft show Fabrizio Russo

      Thanks a lot, but…I only convert his left harm ;)
      The kit is so old, so…I decide to left him as a old sculpt with all his “problems” .
      I would like to convert him only to keep both arms on the spear.
      I also don’t like his left arm, but I didn’t want to delete the work on the old style sculpt!

  • Leonardo "LeoPelo" Archini

    Bellissimo! Votato chiaramente!
    Non vedo l’ora di studiarmelo dal vivo domani (euroma).

    • Leonardo "LeoPelo" Archini

      Per la cronaca, da dove sei partito? Quale è il pezzo originale?

    • RUSTO art and craft show Fabrizio Russo

      Grazie Leonardo!
      Non era molto diverso, solo una piccola correzione in modo che ambedue le mani impugnassero l’alabarda;) che inizialmente era divisa in due.
      Nom credo di avere foto della conversione, ma devo controllare in una scheda ;)

  • Anthony Wang

    Love it and the nostalgia you achieved! That chrome is amazing…Good seeing you at CB!

  • Josh "Zozimus" Pattison

    Goldorak!!!  I’ve been looking for a mini for years!  What brand was the original piece you modified?  So fun!  :)

  • dissident lorn

    i love but the light on the left leg is a bit overcompensating in my opinion

  • Paolo-Di-Poce

    awesome work, Gold

  • Matteo Murelli "Mù"

    molto bello Fabrizio si vede quando sei ispirato