This is the latest project, a miniature prduced by privateer press and a good add to mine Orboros army.
Good detail and really fun to paint, i hope you like it!
Comments and critics are always wellcome, ciao!

  • A.Demidov


  • John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS

    Brilliant use of texture, I vote gold

    • Luca Riva

      Thank you John!

  • Chris "D.Vader" SuhrePLUS

    Nice version!

    • Luca Riva

      Thank you Chris!

  • Maciek "Maciejus_exe" Kwieciński

    Nice :).

  • Bryce Geeraert

    This model looks fantastic! I would love to pick you brain about how you achieved some of these effects, in particular the amazing fur! Well done.

    • Luca Riva

      Thank you Bryce, the fur was really fun to paint. The key to achieve this texture effect is paint lights with small lines of a light color, a technique that i’ve been experimenting most in last miniatures i painted in this period.

  • Paolo-Di-Poce

    Brilliant work

    • Luca Riva

      Thank you Paolo!

  • TimPLUS

    This is really very well done

    • Luca Riva

      Thank you Tim!

  • Varg

    WoW man it’s beautiful work! Could you help and tell me which colors/paints did you use?

    • Luca Riva

      I used vallejo and andrea colors, for the lights Arena Clara Vallejo and a pale grey/green from Pazer aces series from vallejo

  • Bran

    Questo lupo mi piace molto lo scudo un po ‘meno.

    • Luca Riva

      Grazie! lo scudo ammetto che poteva essere lavorato di più ma ho preferito tenerlo tutto metallico al posto di inserire altri dettagli, questo potrebbe averlo penalizzato nella resa in foto.

  • Bran

    OK Luca, capisco !

  • Ioannis PapadakisPLUS

    Gold work!!!