This was my Crystal Brush 2017 entry for the Unit Category, I was ecstatic to make the finals!
  • Stavros Zouliatis

    Nice squad and great paint result John, bravo !!!
  • Paolo-Di-Poce

    all perfect, from base to colors, love the yellow. Gold
  • Gareth Nicholas (glazed over)

    Great job - congratulations!
  • gino2dope poppe

    Amazing work BAM; pure GOLD if you ask me.
  • Francesco ThauPLUS

    Wow! Gold!
  • Albert Moreto Font

    Great job John!
  • Laurent Exposito Mas

    Just awesome !!
  • Jose_A_Alfonso

    Was a good entry Jonh!
  • TimPLUS

    Great job dude
  • Sławomir Borysowski - "Sławol"

    Great band! I love that base:) Regards, Sławol
  • Luke 'atacam' Wilson

    Really nice. everything works. :)
  • Wilfried "Wilgor" Collas

    Good job John !
  • John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS

    Thanks so much WILGOR- and thanks to all for the wonderful comments . Your all golden!
  • Martin Vermeulen (Nighthawk)

    Absolutely great piece of work! A deserved gold :)
  • Josh Paulik

    Love it!
  • dissident lorn

    Stunning work, it looks like a bit different style from your usual
  • Vladimir_Golubev

    Gold! I like it!
  • Anton Lunev

    Impressive feat of realistic vision of fantasy world. The group looks amazing
  • Jeff Burns "Tinman"

    Fantastic work!! You going to World Expo this summer?
  • John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS

    Nah bud !! Already spent over 3000 dollars on hotels and what not for crystal brush and MFCA!!! Wish I could but also the selling of my home and jersey to move to PA is also got me tied up. One day well meet my friend. Thanks for the heartfelt words!!!
  • Kev "Dead Marsh Spectre" Lawrence

  • Saryon

    May I know the skin color scheme? I'm a totally noob in miniature painting and I really like your ork skin color.
  • Luc "Windtalker" Vanpoucke

    Amazing what you can do with those 28mm figures John !!! Fantastic detail painting .
  • John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS

    Sorry was sooo late getting back to your comment SARYON. Of course the colors are all GWs and they are as followed base colors is Elysian green , shading is carrosburg crimson(that's it what I do is if things need darker shading I just adjust how thin the carrosburg crimson is and I also adjust more applications. So the deeper the shadow on the orcs are less diluted and more apps of carrosburg crimson. Highlight colors are camo green- than lastly the very tips or tips or gig highest zeniths get i shanti bone (a Lil bit) mixed in the camo green. After all this is done I glazed the whole section of the skin with way watcher green glaze mixed with the bit if yellow glazed. As I said its painted over the entirety of the model. Eg the whole head , the whole arm etc. hope this helps and welcome to putty and paint mate.
    • Saryon

      Thanks!! It's very useful for me! Your orks skins is very cool.
  • Gionata Santisi

    Great greenskin! I love to boss! Congrats great work!
  • Jonatan Gil - Elinhir

    Great job !! Gold.
  • risk0

    Love this squad, paint job is just unbelievable:)
  • Fredy

    Great unit - Gold of Course!!
  • AlvaroSolid

    Great work, beauty contrast. The base is perfect. GOLD!
  • Carlo

  • Carlo
