Superman bust from Mr Joker's Warehouse.

The piece was an experiment in pushing the heavy chiaroscuro and fixed viewing angle.

It was also an experiment with a burnt umber underpainting, with translucent layers over top. The skin tones are mixed from the Zorn palette (a limited palette of red, yellow ochre, ivory black, and white).

Overall it was a valuable learning experience and I enjoyed the approach. Hopefully I have been able to capture an older and more contemplative Superman.

All brush with Derivan Matisse artist acrylics. Hope you like!
  • Demitris

    I really like the burst of colour for the suit compared to the aging face.
    I would vote gold though have nothing yet to upload

  • Paolo-Di-Poce

    love the colors, gold

  • Jeff Burns "Tinman"

    Fantastic my friend!!

  • TimPLUS

    Brilliant Macca

  • Carlo

    love your style! gold :)