A fun Projekt of small scale, 1:72. Miniature from Freebooter painted as the personification of a young Iris (Greek mythology, rainbow and messenger of gods) in a little steampunk setting. She appears to be a little clumsy in her early days with her paintball gun... ;)
Thank you, it's good to hear your feedback. Funny that you mention this, clearly sometimes it might be necessary to tell more of what was going on in one's mind (though it might sound a little far fetched).
My "idea" of this work was a young Iris, in the beginning of her career, who still had a lot to learn, especially in how to cope with the colours that were trusted to her... What you're actually witnessing here is the colour Magenta on the brink of slipping away from under her control. Hence, why there's no magenta in a rainbow anymore...
Hello Martin,
on figures in the scale 1:72 I have never dared. I'm impressed with the painting of your figure, the details are as cleanly worked out as it is partly not on a larger scale.
The scene is interesting and imaginative and the many detail I find lovingly thought out and placed. Like it a lot!
Hi Pit, Thank you for your appreciation! I think the great advantage of a small scale figure is that you can get it much faster done. Ideal for an in between job, may be you should just try once :)
Like the overall setting of this piece, only thing i´m unsur about isthe ballon, it don´t go really with the rest. But anyway... fine workMartin Vermeulen (Nighthawk)
Thank you, it's good to hear your feedback. Funny that you mention this, clearly sometimes it might be necessary to tell more of what was going on in one's mind (though it might sound a little far fetched). My "idea" of this work was a young Iris, in the beginning of her career, who still had a lot to learn, especially in how to cope with the colours that were trusted to her... What you're actually witnessing here is the colour Magenta on the brink of slipping away from under her control. Hence, why there's no magenta in a rainbow anymore...Jérôme "Jminis" Maillart
I really like it great work. But the pictures are a bit dark. And like Lucky-LBT, the baloon seams strange on the overall.Martin Vermeulen (Nighthawk)
Thank you Jerome for your appreciation and your comment :) And you're right, next time I'll pay more attention to the quality of the picturesJulien "Asavar" M.
Lovely project, I like these bright colors.Martin Vermeulen (Nighthawk)
Thank you Julien, I'm glad you like it :)Jose_A_Alfonso
Very cool work!Martin Vermeulen (Nighthawk)
Thank you Jose! I very much appreciate your opinion :)Paolo-Di-Poce
It's strange bit original. Gold for motivating continuing original piecesMartin Vermeulen (Nighthawk)
Haha, thank you Paolo, motivation pumped up already! Just stay tuned :)Luc "Windtalker" Vanpoucke
Super afwerking Martin, de kleine details geven het nog meerwaarde !!!Martin Vermeulen (Nighthawk)
Dankjewel Luc! Het is fijn om te horen dat ze jou bevalt :)pit rehmkePLUS
Hello Martin, on figures in the scale 1:72 I have never dared. I'm impressed with the painting of your figure, the details are as cleanly worked out as it is partly not on a larger scale. The scene is interesting and imaginative and the many detail I find lovingly thought out and placed. Like it a lot! Gold!Martin Vermeulen (Nighthawk)
Hi Pit, Thank you for your appreciation! I think the great advantage of a small scale figure is that you can get it much faster done. Ideal for an in between job, may be you should just try once :)Sergey PopovichenkoPLUS
Cool idea and painting!!!!Martin Vermeulen (Nighthawk)
Thanks! I'm really glad to hear that.Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"
goldMartin Vermeulen (Nighthawk)
Thank you :)