I would like to show you my entry and silver in single categroy on GD UK 2017.
It was 3 years ago when I started this project.
First vision was Chaos Lord siting on FW chaos dragon but after 3 years I decided to finish it in more
simple version, so why Single miniature hold so large baner.
All 3 arts are from Games Workshops books,
I hope you like,
Очень круто , как всегда)Ivan Lesnichenko "DEMOH"
incredible paintDirk R.
The banner is unbelievable !!!Vladimir_Golubev
Awesome!Nick M
Bloody hell, that banner is phenomenal!!! The whole piece is just awesomeAlbert Moreto Font
The banner is absolutely amazing. I think the miniature is sadly not to the same level though... either way, a massive GOLD from me!Roman LappatPLUS
Amazing banner. A great miniature canvas paintwork and illustration. Somehow i do not care about the miniature at all ... this is no wonder with this banner.Mark "Liffy44" Lifton
The banner is rather ... WOW!! How many hours did it take to paint the banner?Sarhan Demir
Awesome work. Gold.Sergey We7 Chasnyk
I think base is too bright and takes too much attention, but overall it is great piece and banner just flawless. Great Job!pit rehmkePLUS
Eine Fantastische Arbeit! Respekt vor dieser Leistung, Atmosphäre , Ausdruck und dann diese Fahne! Ich bin begeistert. Gold!!!Kev "Dead Marsh Spectre" Lawrence
Just insane!!! GOLDJose_A_Alfonso
nice work!Jason Zhou
Super talented skills on the painting of the banner!Jens Riber Poulsen
I thik the banner seems ad odds with the invironment. It looks very long and heavy, but still stands straight out into the air. That however doesnt take away the awesomeness of the freehand and the model as a whole. Gj!