Roman General “Gladiator”
Roman General “Gladiator”
Roman General “Gladiator”
Roman General “Gladiator”
It has been very hard but i think i have done justice to this bust. I've tried to make it look as much as possible to actor Russell Crowe. It took me about three weeks, a week and a half only for the head. This has been my first bust, the truth that has cost me to adapt to other methods of painting but I am finally satisfied with the result, it has been exciting to paint it and try again to leap and improve my painting. At the time of painting this bust, I have taken as reference to great masters of painting like Kirill Kanaev and Pepa Saavedra, who have very different styles but all are wonderfull. Greetings to all, I hope you like it.

Bust: Roman General.
Brand: Young Miniatures.
  • Francesco ThauPLUS

    Strength and Honor! Gold!

  • Norman ( Normski )

    Nice work Jose..;-)

    • Jose_A_Alfonso

      Thank you for your comment mate.

  • Dan Pollart

    Nice work !

  • Werner Kellens


  • Martin Vermeulen (Nighthawk)

    Very interesting NMM style you’ve showed here. I like it very much!

    • Jose_A_Alfonso

      Many thanks, mate! The NNM has been an adaptation of what I normally do on the 28mm scale. This bust being bigger it was more difficult to apply this technique. A regard.

  • Curmudgeon

    Brutal , curradisimo , las texturas uff , lo has disfrutado seguro ;)

    • Jose_A_Alfonso

      Muchas gracias tio,. Arriesgarse a veces es la única forma de mejorar!

  • ronald Corné


    • Jose_A_Alfonso

      Thank you for your comment mate, I appreciate it.

  • Theodoros Giannakopoulos

    It’s a great detailed job.

  • Luc "Windtalker" Vanpoucke

    Great Highlights Jose, congrats!!!

    • Jose_A_Alfonso

      Thank you very much Luc, I always appreciate your comments!

  • John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS

    A clear improvement in your painting. A milestone of leaps and bounds !!!! This rocks b

    • Jose_A_Alfonso

      John, mate, thank for your coments!

  • Paul "ub3r_n3rd"

    Great work!

  • Paolo-Di-Poce

    This is awesome. Gold

  • Jaime Chocano

    I like the style. To me it looks almost like an illustration and that is a really cool effect. Great job!

  • pit rehmke

    Hola jose
    Fantástico! Si siempre he admirado sus figuras de 28mm, usted ha demostrado con este trabajo que también domina el polo grande. Sé el primero.
    El oro !!

  • pstockley

    Nicely done!

  • Adam

    Those skin tones are amazing! I love your style. Gold