Painted for an 'Eavy Metal Challenge at work - this was featured in the August 2017 issue of White Dwarf along side 5 other awesome Primaris Space Marine pieces painted by other members of the 'Eavy Metal team.<br />
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Based on one of the Intercessors from the Dark Imperium box, I added the servo skull, swapped the head and one of the arms for a bionic implant... I had a blast converting and painting this guy!
Neil Szabo AKA "Zab"
Looks totally badass and well executed!Max Faleij
Thanks!Darren "razza" Latham
I don't usually comment on here but when I do it looks like this!Max Faleij
haha cheers Daz!Roman LappatPLUS
An absolutely beautiful piece!Max Faleij
Thanks Roman, glad you like it! :)Christoffer "Lazerhead3000" Jonsson
Well, this is why you're part of the 'eavy metal team. Absolute stunner!Max Faleij
tack! kul att du gillar den! :)Charlie Kirkpatrick
Perfect conversion and paint job. This is how it's done!John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS
Best easy metal painting ever- goldRobert Karlsson
Max du är absolut den bästa målaren i navy metal teamet just nu, Rock on dude!=)Marco Ruano Miniature Painter
God work, gold for me.Jens Riber Poulsen
Amazing work as always Max.luisgomezpradal
So cool piece...congrats !!1Max Faleij
thanks guys! :)GECKOWORKS
Medusa rises again! nice job sirMark "Liffy44" Lifton
Superb ... printed in the hope I can emulate in some small way. Yet another stunning bit of painting that makes mine look like a piece of cheese :o)Theren "Canny" Williams
Awesome work!