Hi guys.

This project is a bit different from what I'm used to do but it was a blast!

The terrain was actually made first as a workshop on mud and snow.

Later on and after some terraforming I added the tractor, wine trailer and some other elements later on.

I'm still trialing the smoke ;).

I'll add some wip pictures on my facebook album if you fancy to check, https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10155423726076352.1073741833.661011351&type=1&l=2459a8fef1

  • John_Engstrand

    Nice mud effects and a different project then what normally ends up here in putty and paint. Thanks for posting it.

    • Ricardo Pisa

      Thanks mate glad you liked it!

  • Sławomir Borysowski - "Sławol"

    Outstanding work, especially the base! Great mud.

    Best rgeards,

    • Ricardo Pisa

      Many thanks, it was a real pleasure to “play in the mud” ;)

  • Paolo-Di-Poce

    Beautiful work Ricardo

    • Ricardo Pisa

      Most appreciated for your coment :)

  • Roman LappatPLUS

    Nice diorama with care to detail. Like it a lot!

  • Dan Pollart

    Super work !!

    • Ricardo Pisa

      Glad you like it :)