Opening Treasure Chest
Opening Treasure Chest
Opening Treasure Chest
A bust from FER Miniatures.

Acrylic paint.
  • PierreYves"LordB"Geneste

    c’est…Original!...Disco Killer!!
    Mais ça fonctionne bien!

  • Roman LappatPLUS

    Love it. His stare is awesome and i can feel the treasure chest in front of him. Wonderful story telling with wise color choices. Editors choice vote from my side. Two are needed to pop up in editors choice ;)

    • JP_Dana_mAdj

      Thx a lot my friend.
      I vote too for Editors choice.
      Does it mean 2 votes? Lol

  • Leonardo "LeoPelo" Archini

    Eyes Expression and colorful lights worth on this piece! it’s really storytelling… great!

  • Luc "Thantor" Pinganaud


  • FearGFX

    I like the two “light sources” with different colors! Very nice effect!

  • Marc MussatPLUS

    j’avais raté celui -ci !
    grande originalité et je trouve que le choix de couleur lui va bien !

  • eric wolfsPLUS
