"After years of war he sees his home again for the first time. His tools lie rusted in the field where nature has grown in his absence. A heaviness grips him. In his heart he longs to set his sword against the wall; to rust and rot and to never be taken up again. May the earth cleanse his hands and his sweat ease his burden. But, the sword will lie hidden in some dusty place under the eaves.... Sharp, silent and ready."
  • Martin Lavat

    The face is incredible!
    • Matt DiPietro

      Thank you Martin! It was a serious challenge because the head is quite small at 54mm scale and the expression I wanted was complex. I'm happy to hear that you like the work :D
  • FearGFX

    I love the look in his eyes and how you painted the sword
    • Matt DiPietro

      Thank you for commenting :) I'm happy to hear the work made a connection with you.
  • pit rehmkePLUS

    Wonderful painting work, very beautiful the light-shadow effects. I like it.
    • Matt DiPietro

      Thank you :) I painted this model a few years back when and I still like the lighting even though I think I would do it different now.
  • Fabio Naskino Fiorenza

    Wow molto realistico per essere un 54mm
    • Matt DiPietro

      Grazie Fabio! Aggiungo una foto per mostrare la scala Thanks Fabio! I'll add a picture to show the scale to everyone...
  • Milosh Meehan

    classic figure that you have painted in a great manner.
    • Matt DiPietro

      Thank you Milosh :) One of the things I love most about our art is seeing the different interpretations of the same sculpture. The combination of two artist's visions: the sculptor and the finisher.
  • Sergey PopovichenkoPLUS

    Excellent painting beautiful figure!
  • Militarist_Studio

    Love your style. Gold!
  • Marc MussatPLUS

    love this !
  • KernunnosVictor

    Super gold for the face. Silver for the whole.