Beautiful girl from Nocturna models range!

Hope you'll like her.
  • Leonardo "LeoPelo" Archini

    Textures on clothes and camo pattern are lovely !! I like this piece so much…

    • Roman "Light_one" Gruba

      Many thanks for such a kind words Leondardo! It was pretty long way to paint all these textures and camo details, but I’m glad that I’ve made this piece so complex :-)

  • Antic

    Крутые текстурки!) Отличный бюст)

  • Roman LappatPLUS

    Love this piece of yours. The shirt is amazing and great lights on her booty! Wonderful textures!

  • Magobaku

    voted:gold, very well painted!

  • Werner Kellens

    Great textures

    • Roman "Light_one" Gruba

      Thank you Werner! Happy that you like textures, without all this little details it wouldnt be such an interesting painting process for me!

  • A.Demidov

    Серьезная дама)

  • PierreYves"LordB"Geneste

    This mini is amazing (and know that for having made it!) and your version has this something darker: maybe because of the skin tones, or the dirty impression of the garment, i don’t know, but she looks so real, as if WWIII was still at our gates.
    Gold to me.

    • Roman "Light_one" Gruba

      Thank you my friend! I wanted to make here pretty realistic, and also for me really important to add such a details like a dirtyness, it’s bringing life to a piece, I mean she’s a warrior, not a figure in museum, so
      she’s litlle bit dirty and armor isnt new :-)

  • Davide "Snake" Decina

    This is a Gold for Sure!!!

  • pit rehmke

    Fantastic work!
    The usage and aging traces, translated into the smallest detail, wonderful.
    Like it a lot.

    • Roman "Light_one" Gruba

      Many thanks for your comment my friend! Glad to know you like this project!

  • Theren "Canny" Williams

    Lovely work! great camo.

  • Jakub 'Herrkuba' Małysa

    Great work :) I love the camo pattern :D

  • John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS

    Dude you rock !!! In the favorite top 5 favorite painters of mine!!!