A Dust Tactics Sniper Robot. I like the idea of a sniper robot, but it doesn't seem that practical. Even still, I really like the model, and decided to paint it. My inspiration was that at some point, far into the future, after Weird War II died down, someone stumbled across this old robot, fixed it up, painted it their favorite color (turquoise in this case), and then who knows after that (maybe the robot had an existential realization and killed its master, or perhaps its master was killed and now this thing wanders the wasteland by itself).
pit rehmkePLUS
Excellent!Perfect Tommy
Thank you! This is my first post on Putty and Paint. This site is intimidating with all the fantastic artists!Martin Vermeulen (Nighthawk)
Really lovely piece, beautifully painted, great basing and a sad story ;) I like it!