This is my last paintjob. This bust is very beautiful to paint and to learn. It has helped me to become a better painter and also to see I still have too many things to learn. A nice way I recommend you everybody to take and prove yourself.
I hope you like it!
Jero Miniatures
Preciosa Antonio. Gorgeous piece!Michał Odolczyk
Fantastic work!Paolo-Di-Poce
great work, Gold for sureA.Demidov
Fantasnic work)pit rehmkePLUS
Great work!Thomas "1967er" Froese
Lovely!Matthieu Roueche - "Blabla"
Great paintjob Antonio!Roman "Light_one" Gruba
Amazing version og this bust my friend!John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS
GoldDavide "Snake" Decina
Great painting job!!! Gold...luisgomezpradal
Brutal Antonio!!!!Laurent Aubry aka Pisco
Tu pintura da inspiracion ! Me das ganas de pintar la.Jonatan Gil - Elinhir
Enorme Antonio !!!! Me encanta !!!