This is a special work for the MuMi, based on the amazing artwork by Paul Kidby.
75mm scale
Sculpted with Super sculpey + Fimo (50/50)

Cohen the barbarian is a very funny character from Terry Partchet's Discworld, I wanted to sculpt this guy for years, and now thanks to the MuMi I had the opportunity to make it real!

Thanks to Terry Pratchet for giving me a lot of funny hours reading your books.
  • Archontis Kitsios

    Ah! Cohen, Leader of the Silver Horde…

    “Their eyes said that… they did know the meaning of the word ‘fear’. It was something that happened to other people.”

    The Last Hero, one of the late Sir Terry’s best books.

    Great figure, one that I would love to have in my bookshelf, next to my Discworld books.

    Gold for the model.
    Double Gold for the memories of way back reading about this old fella. And you don’t get to live his age, unless you are really, really good at what you do!

  • Jorge Budagosky

    Preciosa figura. Muy bien trabajo

  • John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS

    Gold from me