I want to present you my first project here and also my first 75mm miniature.
My favourite model from Black Sun Miniatures. The conception was changed few times, just like main colors.
I decided to place her on some rocks i found on holidays in Croatia. I made coins with a mix of miliput and greenstuff. This was the most painfull and fun part of this project.
I think the final effect is quite good but still some parts can be done better.
She won Silver in fantasy master at SMC 2017 and Silver in large fantasy category at Hussar'17

Photos: Szymon Kaczmarczyk
Hope you like her! Feel free to criticize, i wont mind :D
See you soon with another 75mm mini :)

  • Roman "Light_one" Gruba

    Great work Michael! In real it looking even more beautiful ! Great colors.

    • Michał "Mihausz" Szymeczko

      Thank you Roman :) Didnt know you noticed my work! There was lot of great miniatures at SMC this year and my spot wasnt the best :D

  • Michał Odolczyk

    Great work!

  • Leonardo "LeoPelo" Archini

    Great intensity of colors!! Beautiful!

    • Michał "Mihausz" Szymeczko

      I was paying attention to not use white to much, especially when mixing colors. Thanks to Adam Loler Halon i repainted her armor and replaced white with yellow highlights :)

  • Jakub 'Herrkuba' Małysa

    A kto to tak ładnie fotki obrobił, hmm :P ? No pięknie Panie, pięknie :D Dobra robota mały kurwiu ^^ Czekam na kolejny model do hejtowania :P

    • Michał "Mihausz" Szymeczko

      Co bym zrobił gdyby nie Jakubeł! Dziękuję, belweder stawiam na następnym spotkaniu :D

  • Roberto Sirchia

    Great work, my friend! ;)

    • Michał "Mihausz" Szymeczko

      Thank you my friend for the support in whole proess of painting it :D Nice to see you here :)

  • Herman aka Glitterwolf

    I love it!

  • John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS

    God bless !!! Tremendous work . My gold it this at 90 (gold) deservingly !!!