Hello again!
I bring you another figure in 80mm designed by a famous companion of this website. These works are a delicatessen, of the best that there is on the market right now, but I would be unable to make them without the help of an airbrush because the feminine skin is very difficult to recreate with brushes. All the paints used are acrylic and airbrush and paintbrushes have been used.
  • pit rehmkePLUS

    Super the skin color and the painting with the airbrush is very well implemented!
  • Riki

    Thank you pit-rehmke! For the skin of the girls I can only think of using airbrush, although I know that there are very skillful colleagues with the brush, I can't imagine the amount of work that can carry such a thing.
  • Sergey PopovichenkoPLUS

    Gold to you, despite yours "Props". I do not mind. ;)
  • Jakob V

    It is really nice. Beautiful skin and transluscency. Who makes this? Andrea?
  • fabrizio1969PLUS

    wow gold
  • Entrevon

    Très belle peinture !