As Radigundus walks through his domain, seeing what man has done to nature saddens him...

In this projects I tried to transfer what I learned about painting emotions into a more realistic painting. The focus was on getting the face to work the way I wanted it to, sculpting with paint where I needed it and playing around with some volumes and textures.

This Bust was one of these special cases where you start something as part of a workshop. One of these models you see, don't really like and intend to soldier through during the class, in order to learn as much as you can. However, it really started to grow on me during painting and in the end, I really liked it.

The sculpt by Raffaele Picca shows how being a great painter also can affect how something is sculpted. Loads of details and areas that are fun to paint and play with. Pretty much everything was easy to reach and so it was really beginner friendly.
  • Lucky-LBT

    Hey, tolle Entwicklung bei dir. Vieleicht hier und da noch etwas mehr ins Detail gehen.
    Der schwarze Stoff passt viel besser das Gelb wie es vorher war.

    • Hansrainer PeitzPLUS

      Danke :) Und ja, stimme dir zu was den Stoff des Hemds angeht. Bin halt immer noch in einer Lernphase - da muss ich noch einiges konsolidieren. Mal schaun wie die nächsten Projekte werden.

  • Al 'Elektroschnitzel' Smith

    Die Stofftextur hast du sehr schön herausgearbeitet. Gefällt mir sehr gut.  Schöne Büste!

    • Hansrainer PeitzPLUS

      Danke, wobei da deutlich weniger Fokus (und Arbeit) drin steckt als beim Gesichtsausdruck :)