ROCROI 1643- the Last Tercio.
ROCROI 1643- the Last Tercio.
ROCROI 1643- the Last Tercio.
ROCROI 1643- the Last Tercio.
ROCROI 1643- the Last Tercio.
ROCROI 1643- the Last Tercio.
ROCROI 1643- the Last Tercio.
ROCROI 1643- the Last Tercio.
The only battle where both the French and the Spanish claim victory !
Still nowdays there is much confusion about what actually happened.
this little 75mm diorama/vignette represents part of the famous Spanish Alburquerque Tercio waiting for the next charge from the french cavalery.
Made up from 6 commercial figs and scratched for the two front figs and the flag.
Oil painted.
  • Vladimir_Golubev


  • Sergey Savenkov


  • Herman aka Glitterwolf

    Love it!

  • JP_Dana_mAdj

    Superbe. Soyeux. Beau.

    • Marc MussatPLUS

      et pas de freehand (ou à peine LOL) !
      et une bonne année JP !

  • Theodoros Giannakopoulos

    Perfect painting Marc ! gold.

  • Jason Zhou

    Amazing work!. It is a lot of effort from scratch building to painting. Beautiful colors and great composition!

    • Marc MussatPLUS

      thanks Jason !
      a long term project, but I enjoyed evey minute of it !

  • pit rehmke

    Hello Mark,
    Fantastic work!

    • Marc MussatPLUS

      thank you my friend !
      very pleased you like it !


    Pure magic, fantastic work with oils, time after time.

  • Marco Greco

    Absolute gold!

  • Francesco ThauPLUS


    • Marc MussatPLUS

      thanks Francesco !
      I also admire your great work !

  • Phantom Duck

    great scene and painting also…

    • Marc MussatPLUS

      thanks a lot !
      if you like it you can vote gold !
      have a good day !

  • Marco Ruano Miniature Painter

    Que gran trabajo, me quedoloco con tu composición, oro para ti.

  • Mads Jespersen

    Simply an amazing diorama with a great composition and story. In my opinion your best work on p&p!

    The front figs simply completens the scene!

  • Sergey PopovichenkoPLUS

    Great job!!! A lot of work and high quality! Spain forward!

  • Olga Kropotova

    It’s my favorite diorama! Gold for sure!

  • Bran

    Un magnifique diorama ou aucune figurine n’est moins bien traitée qu’une autre, il faut une constance incroyable pour arriver

  • Bran

    Un diorama magnifique ou toutes les figurines ont le même niveau de traitement. Il faut beaucoup de patience et de travail pour arriver au bout d’un tel projet.

    • Marc MussatPLUS

      merci !
      un sujet que j’avais en fil rouge, et si individuellement les figs sont simples, l’ensemble est sympa, et la photo rend bien , ce qui aide !

  • John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS

    Let me start by saying -HOLY SHIT- !!!!

    • Marc MussatPLUS

      Glad you like this little diorama !

  • Michele Delbene

    Bellissima scena per non dire stupenda,  mi piace molto la tua pittura e ti invidio un pò,  bravo da 100

  • Michele Delbene

    Bellissima scena per non dire stupenda,  mi piace molto la tua pittura e ti invidio un pò,  bravo da 100

  • scott a shalterPLUS

    Spectacular!  Should get 6 Golds!

  • Evgeny Golubev

    Agréable à regarder, excellent travail!





























































































  • Marc MussatPLUS

    thanks a lot !