I began 2017 with "Limbo", a miniature that contained aspects of myself, but was still a fairly pretty and approachable piece.
This past ReaperCon I made the decision to be a bit more vocal. I wanted to create a scene that was deeply personal, expressing emotions and scenarios that I've struggled with and experienced.
To allow both myself and the audience to feel vulnerability was important for me, despite debating whether or not I could put myself out there. I could not have done this without the support of my husband and close friends - thank you so very much for that.
This piece is titled "Self Portrait of the Artist". Scratch built vignette featuring Hasslefree Miniatures Miranda miniature.
If you are in crisis and US based, please contact The National Suicide Prevention Hotline. 1-800-273-8255. If you are UK based, please contact Samaritans.org.
I love this piece it's so sad but also so inspiring I think you should be immmensely proud. It's a timeless piece that everyone one who has seen it will remember it. It's controversial but it's just so great.Jessica Rich
Thank you so very much, David.Roman LappatPLUS
Dear Jessica, this is one of the most impressive projects I know to date. Not technical wise or by other aspects you can measure on a bar. This is so powerful and strong, even you are showing a vulnarable side of an open soul. For me this is great art and I am absolutely in love with this project. Kudos to you and your strength! A big hug to you!Jessica Rich
Thank you for your kind words, Roman. I very much appreciate them. You know that I was very scared to have this piece up here (and still am). Hugs to you as well, and thank you for your support.Florian 'Butch'
; Very emotional. Thanks for sharing.xeonfish
Very powerful. It is works like this that lift our hobby into the realms of art! Thank you for sharing,John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS
I applaud you for your 1) artistic prowess and especially for your strength and fortitude to share a personal project of this emotional magnitude. Thank you for being who you are. We all are proud of you.:)Martin Vermeulen (Nighthawk)
This beautiful piece is just radiating emotion all over. Respect and thank you for sharing.Steve Haydon (Forté)
Love this piece of yours. So glad you decided to share this again (and with the help contacts too).Jessica Rich
Thank you all for the kind words and support. <3Herman aka Glitterwolf
It tells a chilling story. Thx for sharing! And I admire your strength for doing this.Steve Jourdain
Il y a de l'émotion, du talent, bravo or!David Diamondstone
One of the most powerful works of miniature art I've ever seen.